ABX Sauce Cartridges feature carefully curated whole cannabis terp sauce, or HTE (high terpene extract), and deliver real cannabis flavor, aroma, and effects. All thriller, no filler.
-Made from premium California cannabis flower
-Full-spectrum, strain-specific, true-to-plant
-100% cannabis flavor and effects
-Terpenes, flavinoids, and cannabinoids from fresh frozen flower
-No artificial flavors, additives, or fillers
-Delivers the widest range of real cannabis effects in ceramic core cartridges
ABX cartridges feature carefully curated, whole flower cannabis terp sauce. Founded in 2014 by lifetime cannabis cultivators and industry pioneers, ABX set out to bring safe, reliable cannabis products to enhance daily life. Full spectrum, strain specific, true to plant, 100% cannabis taste and effects. No artificial flavors, additives, or fillers.